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16th Feb 2024

Ian Moynes: Leading the Way as Chairman of ESITS Board of Governors

16th Feb 2024

Ian Moynes: Leading the Way as Chairman of ESITS Board of Governors

16th Feb 2024

Ian Moynes: Leading the Way as Chairman of ESITS Board of Governors

16th Feb 2024

Ian Moynes: Leading the Way as Chairman of ESITS Board of Governors

16th Feb 2024

Ian Moynes: Leading the Way as Chairman of ESITS Board of Governors

Ian Moynes: Leading the Way as Chairman of ESITS Board of Governors

16th Feb 2024

2 min read

Ian Moynes currently holds the Chairman position on the Board of Governors for ESITS. Having worked across numerous industries, both on the supplier and client side, including national infrastructure, global events, high profile build site and royal household work, Ian boasts a wide breath of Health & Safety knowledge.

When ESITS was established, Ian was excited to finally see a dedicated competence scheme for the events industry as for a while training for this industry has been in a state of limbo, often piggy backing inappropriate construction based schemes such as CSCS, CISRS etc and a list of multiple failed schemes. Ian feels this was a shame due to such a large and varied community of professionals, working in a safe and effective industry but often seen as untrained personnel.

When asked about why Ian feels passionate about the ESITS scheme and what it meant for him to be a member of the Board of Governors, he said:

“The vast number of event-based projects that work alongside huge construction companies to fulfil the requirements to provide bigger spectacles, has often caused issues with being able to provide the effective competencies of events personnel when working alongside industries that are heavily based in qualification and competency requirements. I feel the scheme is right for the industry and the time is right to address this gap across all the events disciplines and ensure that the personnel are correctly trained and competent for their duties.”